
By MyOneGoodEye


I spent a good portion of the day organizing the scans I made yesterday, along with a number I did weeks ago. I managed to get outside as light was fading and took a few blip-worthy shots, but stopped in an antique/vintage shop on the way home, where I saw some pretty cool stuff. (As a matter of fact, the shop is called Stuff.) There were quite a few old cameras I considered dropping some cash down on the spot, but decided to give it some more thought. I also thought I'd research a couple to find out what formats of film they require and to see if the film was still available.

I'm pretty sure this is the Six-20 version of the Monitor... Kodak made two versions, one which uses 620 film (120 film re-spooled onto 620 spools works) and another which uses 616 film. According to Camerapedia, 120 can be re-spooled onto 616 spools as well. I have a handful of 620 spools, so, I hope it's the former should I decide to buy it.

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