
By FarmerGirl

Yes it did rain..... the early hours of this morning, all 2 1/2 mls.  Just enough to wet our hay, and postpone getting it baled.  We went and checked on it this afternoon, just to see if it needed turning to dry it out, but no it looked fine.  In fact, if the contractor had been here today, then it could have been baled.  So it's all set to get rowed and baled tomorrow - that's of course if it doesn't rain again overnight!  Fingers crossed it doesn't.

I had to take Smudge our cat to the vet this morning.  He turns 11 next month, and he has lost a lot of weight over the past 6 - 8 weeks.  The good news is that she could feel any tumors, and thinks he has been busy catching and eating too many rats.  That can apparently cause weight lost.

So he has been wormed and weighed, and hopefully he will put on some more weight in the next month.  If he doesn't, then it's off to the vet again for blood tests to see what his liver and kidney function is like.  

Son T spent his first day at his Kayaking course being run all week.  He's come home tonight tired and a bit sunburnt - but sounds like he had a blast and met lots of different people from around the region.  It will be an early night for him.

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