Toots in Solitude

By Toots

My heartbeat quickened pure delight as I ventured the East Lothian Roads again.

I think that what is so nice about having lived in so many places is that homesick nostalgia for that particular part of the country and the feeling, when returning, that is like ownership, or it being a part of me, and I get very excited and happy.

So today I jaunted into North Berwick to make a call on Dave and Frances. 
As I left sunny Edinburgh I never realised that a rain-laden cloud wanted to follow me most of the way. 
When I reached the summit of Pencraig Brae I thought I should take a photo of 'Sunny Dunny' to prove Reds point about Dunbar always being sunny. 
There it shone brightly with dark grey cloud all around but I was centre on to pelting rain and I feared a wet camera so continued along my way.

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