Sue Le Feuvre

By UrbanDonkey

Stormy at Grandes Rocques

The weather wasn't too bad in town this morning so I set off to get the bus to the north of the island. But as I waited it started to drizzle so I decided to get some shopping and re-think my blip. 

An hour later it was more or less dry so I went off again for the bus but this time decided on the west coast. Maybe not the best idea because the wind was blowing straight in and by the the time I got there it had started to drizzle again. But I took some photographs and blew all the cobwebs away in the bracing gale before going for a bus home. I caught the one taking the scenic route via the north of the island; passing my original destination on the way. It looked very much calmer there...

Thank you for all your kind comments over the last few days; I will catch up with comments very soon...

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