Nut Press

By katheastman

Back to Book Group

It took ages to fall asleep after getting home around half three in the morning, so I was slow to get moving. In fact, I only got as far as getting up to feed the cat, make myself a mug of tea and come back to bed with a book. I finished reading Olive Kitteridge today and have loved it. The characters, especially brusque and cantankerous Olive herself, and their stories, the setting and the writing. 

In the afternoon, I went into Cardiff* for what is only my second time attending the book group which meets up in Waterstones' WCafe. We were discussing Ian McEwan's The Children Act, which I'd devoured in two sittings and had really enjoyed. The rest of the group had enjoyed it as well and we had an interesting session. 

On the way home, I stopped off for a coffee with a friend who I'm dog sitting for on Thursday, and then came home and cooked a roast dinner which I needed. I felt like I'd been running on empty. 

Sadly, it would appear that woman cannot live on cake alone.   

*This sculpture of a woman reading is on the doorway of the Old Library on The Hayes in Cardiff. She sits diagonally to Waterstones and I like her a lot. She looks peaceful and serene. 

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