Taps at six

If Squidge misses her nap which she tends to do most days now (worst luck), we have a rule in this house and it's "taps at six" (the bath taps get turned on basically as bedtime is pulled forward!) One bonus is that Angus and I get a longer evening together (when he's home that is!)

This (blip pic) is what he looked like last night at his company works do in London. He went as Heath Ledger's Joker (from Batman) and it sounds like it was an amusing evening. The company put them up four to a room in a Youth Hostel so I don't think he got much sleep though!

He's worse for wear tonight and is walking round the house stroking cushions and putting his hands round the warm teapot muttering things like "home, it's so good to be home". Ha ha!

Squidge had a great day with the Gagas and sounds like she played her heart out. She's enjoying her bedroom a lot more since we moved her into the back room and she wanted to play up there a lot today it sounds like.

I had a very frustrating work day with delays, grumpy emails from clients and an over-running meeting. Hey ho, they happen. Especially on a Monday in my experience!

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