Am I the best mum or what?

I had an interesting morning at work this morning then came home to find Mr W had been to see the GP, a Practice Nurse, a hand specialist and a Nurse Practitioner about his manky finger. Long storey short, its doing fine and needs no plastic surgery. Just time. He went back to the Queen Vic in East Grinstead to have it dressed as the surgery staff weren't quite up to the mark, but also didn't supply the special non stick dressing. Hes all clean again!

I then sent Mr W back to bed (as hes still on nights) and popped out to buy my BabyBoy a new toy as he seems to be taking this Blipping lark quite seriously and has shown an interest in taking good photos but relies only on an iphone (with a scratched lens). I have just messaged him to tell him and send him a link to his new toy that he should get in the post tomorrow. It was a bit more than I was going to spend as the one I wanted wasnt in stock, so he got the next best thing. The only trouble is its Brown!!!! Strange. But he can at least share his images through WiFi straight from the camera. Looking forward to seeing the results Samuel Squidget!!!!

An I just the best mum or what!!!!

And poor Mr W, having spent all afternoon in bed, got a phone call cancelling tonight's night shift. It shouldnt be allowed, messing people about like that. I would be blippin furious!

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