A Bucket of Blips

Hard to believe I have managed 365 as at the beginning I so struggled for inspiration. I am  grateful to Rainie for starting me on this journey and being such an encourager along the way. I sure struggled today wondering what to do and wished I lived closer to cycling granny who comes up with magnificent ideas. Haven't lit the candles as thought the flowers would end up on fire.
Thank you to all who have followed my journal and given helpful comment along the way. My aim was to improve my photography and having to pick up your camera every day helps that aim.
Thanks Blip Central  and all who participate it is quite something sharing peoples lives whom you don't even know but ending up feeling as though you do. Another thing I like is  seeing places that I have travelled to come up on the screen. Does anyone know if there is a blipper from the Isle of Lewis I loved that place.
Thanks everyone am looking forward to sharing more of your journeys over the coming year

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