Today's Special

By Connections


That's how finished our front garden is. We still have some work to do under the two Japanese maples just visible past the porch post above, need a little more bark mulch, and must be conscientious about keeping all the new plants well-watered, but the bulk of this project is finished. Hooray!

I finished the last round of sorting out weeds from soil yesterday, and late this morning, placed the new plants, still in pots, in the garden according to A's plan. When she arrived at 1 pm with her truck full of bark mulch, we did a little rearranging of the new plants, then quickly moved them from pots to soil.

It took quite a while to get all the bark from the truck to the garden and then spread as evenly as we could. We came up a little short, so A will bring another load in the next week or two, and we'll get a nice thick layer on to keep the soil from drying out over the summer.

The larch that we moved (the tall thin tree secured between two wooden posts here) isn't doing too well, but we're not giving up on it yet. The rest of the garden looks good, and it will be interesting to see how much the new plants -- barberries and heathers predominating -- grow over the next year or two.

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