Double drat!
Chaos at the crossing! The wheel has come off the old Vauxhall Wyvern and the metropolis is gridlocked. Mr. MacPrecious on his way to the station stands, arms crossed, ridiculing the efforts of those getting their hands dirty. The event has drawn a crowd at the pub and even MacWooly has put in an appearance.
Where there's blame there's a claim and I'm sure the coffin chasers will be sending emails and voice mails out as we watch. "Have you suffered whiplash"? "We can get you £3000 if you're prepared to lie". "You'll never get caught, the insurers just pay out and we're all getting a cut so get your claim in now!"
This message will also be sent repeatedly to your home phone, thanks to your service provider and to your home address, thanks to the Cooncil for selling your Electoral Roll details. (You should've ticked the box that allows you to opt in to the opt out option). Your email details are known to your internet host since you went onto that site and downloaded those pics so they'll be forwarding our message too. Should've bought Spamguard!
Ali introduced me to Autostitch and this is my first attempt at putting a pic together. The scene was set up by him as he had nothing better to do yesterday. The pic was taken on an iPhone in poor light. Autostitch is a fun little App and costs £1.49.
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