
I know your asking where is the Donkey? This morning's walk with the pups was definately different, I met one of the other dog walker who told me that they had found a Donkey in their garden this morning but by the time her husband had got abit of rope the Donkey had disappeared , they were worried in case the Donkey went near the main road for the traffic scaring the poor animal. They had phoned the farmer to let him know. As the pups and I carried on with our walk we met the woman's husband who asked if I could help to herd the Donkey into a field to keep it safe, he was going to drive round on the main road and come back in to block it getting any further. He had just left when I spotted the Donkey heading my way, it was abit wary of the pups so I got them to wait . I wasn't sure what to do so I just spoke to it gently and it followed me lol it walked right beside me, the pups weren't sure what to do and kept coming back which I then had to tell them to go as Donkey was charging at them but it was more like she was trying to protect me . She wasn't keen to go into the field but managed to coax her in , I should have taken a photo but I was having to concentrate on a Donkey and two pups . I went back later on to check on her but her owner had been and collected her. I have never had to walk a Donkey before but she was just lovely :):)

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