
By PeckhamBelle

A cautionary tale ...

Or .. Why bigger is not necessarily better.

In November, Jamie bought me an iPhone 6+, which was a fantastic and exciting surprise as my old iPhone 5 had been freezing, glitching and weirding out for months. He chose the 6+ as my arms weren't quite long enough for me to read my texts any more ... and I loved the big screen for seeing all your photos in LARGE.

A month later I had such severe pain in my left wrist, thumb and hand I thought I had rheumatism. But then realised it was probably RSI, or tendonitis, caused by the size of my phone. The size of the 6+ means that my teeny doll hands are stretched beyond their limit and this was causing the pain.

Feel free to laugh.

First world problem, I know.

Anyway, the pain is now so bad I can't even pick my phone up with my left hand and I have had to fashion a phone cradle out of a hollowed out gourd and a bit of string that I wear round my neck.

No, no, not the last bit. But I do have to have my phone on speaker if I'm making a call because I can't hold it, and I have to text with it lying on the table, because I can't hold it. Silly and annoying.

So, don't do it, Blipfriends. Don't get the 6+ unless you have hands like shovels and great big muscles.

I'm off to the Apple Store at the weekend to see if they'll exchange this giant phone for a doll-size version. And I may have to go back to peering at your photos on a teeny tiny screen ... Or give in and admit, I 'might' need glasses.

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