My Car Took a Stroll

Shot after first having passed by the doctor's just to check if there were any other possible causes for my tendon problems (most likely not, and I was offered two other solutions to reduce the pain -- a daily intake of paracetamols and/or a steroid injection;  I def do not want the latter and don't want to be dependent on the former) and then the seamstress (see last Sunday's blip) with some repair work plus two more materials for me.

The weather is not exactly depressing, although that might also be me, because I've so much to do there's no time to be depressed.  However, there is enough time to be slightly nauseous (sign of stress).  At any rate, I am not really in much of a mood, in the wet and cold, to go leisurely driving to places where I might get more scenic shots.  I've decided to make my shots more reflective of how I really spent my day.  That said, windmill hunting will, of course, resume the moment I have more time AND the sun is out longer.

Happy you enjoyed yesterday's snack!

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