
By dwalletta

Politicians and Professionals

First in a series of lectures where Scottish political leaders try to woo captains of industry by telling them what kind of nation they want to provide us with. First up was Willie Rennie, the man in charge of the Liberal Democrats, with his talk "Fairer society, stronger economy, opportunity for everyone, motherhood and apple pie." I may have added that last bit. Not a lot that was controversial or contentious, which might be why the chap in front appeared to turn off his hearing aid after ten minutes. 

Next week it's the turn of the leader of the Scottish Conservatives, which would normally provide great sport, given how generally hated the Tories are in Kiltland. But with an audience of accountants, lawyers, actuaries and the like, she'll probably get an easy ride. I'll make sure I'm wearing my full royal regalia when I go along to heckle.

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