
By FarmerGirl

Tied on

We are very lucky to have the New Zealand Kayak School based in Murchison.  Our small town is known as the white water capital of the world, and with the New Zealand Kayak School based here, we have people from all over the world travelling here to attend the school.

Son T has been spending the week with the School, kayaking the many rivers surrounding our area, learning new things and generally having fun on the water.  These are the kayaks that came back with them when they arrived back at the school late this afternoon.

It has been another hot day, perfect of course for kayaking down the rivers.  Now that we have our hay in the shed it can rain.......not that I think there is much in the forecast for the next week.

Son C received his NCEA external exam results today.  These were for the exams that he sat in November.  He passed Level 1 with Merit, so he is very pleased with the results.  Well done C - we are very proud of you!

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