Red sky in the morning ...
... was a warning! I really don't like driving home on a very windy night on the bypass. It was dark and the snow was blizzarding (new word?) around me and the outside lane was a tad slippery as half the lane suddenly had a deceptive layer of snow. Would have been nice if the cars on the inside lane had let me in (I did indicate) and the idiot person in the car behind me had decided that it might not be sensible to be just a foot or two behind me. I sang cheerly (Always Look on the Bright Side) and didn't curse, swear or rant. Admittedly that had left my system in the morning at work when I had a combined Basil Fawlty/Victor Meldrew moment or two due to ongoing IT 'issues'. I was saved by the sight of a swan flying in and landing on the Big Pond. Mr Swan is back.
What 'moments' will I have on Wednesday? I'm torn between Mrs Overall or Hyacinth Bucket.
Red sky in the morning - shepherds warning indeed!!!
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