
By acr83

Day Of Injections

Both Lincoln and Danni had to go to the doctor for injections today. Lincoln had his 5 month immunisations. Unfortunately for Danni hers ended in a very long sleep. She had a seizure tonight which meant she most likely had a tumour pressing on her brain. She was my cat technically, but lived with Mum and Dad after I moved out and left her with them years ago. So they called me and I met them at the vet. The tough call had to be made. It was hard to do but she was 12 so health problems weren't unexpected. Coming within a year of losing the family dog too made it a little tougher.

Before all the drama, Lincoln had a lovely play date with Nana S so Daddy and I could paint our new fences. But it rained so we had to go to the movies instead. We saw The Imitation Game. It was very good. I would definitely recommend it.

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