You may remember that a few days ago, I had found a good quote and then looked for a blip to go with it - well, I’ve done it again!
I found the quote by Alexander MacLaren a few weeks ago, when I was feeling a bit low about my knee issue and am sure it was to remind me that I need to put my trust in God, the fact that He knows and loves me, and that I will come out at the other end, having learned some amazing lessons.
In fact, only this morning, a lovely fellow blipper, whom I have met several times sent me an email, part of which said:
I am praying for you dear lady, you are amazingly precious and God will work good into this difficult time because He is good and He loves you so much.
I think that’s confirmation of what I have been feeling, don’t you? I hope that before long I will be wearing these boots and going walking with Mr. HCB again.
If any of you are going through trying times at the moment, either through illness, financially or any other issue, then hang in there - you will come out on the other side much stronger.
An update on my knee - I have now been referred to see an Orthopaedic Consultant on 3rd February but before then will be having 3 sessions of hydrotherapy, starting today - a really cold day, but at least the water in the pool will be warm!
Each of us may be sure
that if God sends us on stony paths
He will provide us with strong shoes,
and He will not send us out on any journey
for which He does not equip us well.
Alexander MacLaren
Writing this brought to mind a song I used to sing many years ago, "When the Road is Rough and Steep, Fix Your Eyes Upon Jesus.
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