Some colour...
..on another wet, wild and windy day.
Bright lightening and distant thunder rolling around the night hills
Heavy hail-stones rattling the roof-slates
Wind buffeting in lumpy gusts
Stove 'Reginald' puffing wood-smoke into the room
The chill creeping into my bones
EXIF: Pentax Takumar SMC 55mm 1.8, 40mm extension tube on M42 adapter for Fuji X-T1. 0.7" f16 ISO 200. Highlights from an LED torch.
Derelict Thursday
A reminder that the Derelict Thursday challenge will be hosted here this week while SarumStroller takes a break. To enter just tag your image derelictThursday
Herself (freespiral) and I will give our feedback on Saturday when all entries should be in.
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