
By Poppy


When you move somewhere new, it's always a good idea to check out the local cemetery! Love the way this poor tree has been sculpted by the wind.

Ollie hasn't had much of a walk the last couple of days so today, while the sun was shining, I togged up with scarf, hat etc and we went for an explore of the environs. He chased rabbits and snuffled about in the undergrowth and I snapped away at interesting bits of vegetation and stone walls and enjoyed the sunshine and blue skies. By teatime the heavens had opened and there were sleety showers bouncing off the windows!

Now the tonsillitis has gone into my left ear! Ye gods it is sore! I have been filling myself with fruit, hot drinks and antibiotics, but I think a medicinal whisky is really what is called for . . . !

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