Lucky Girl

What a busy weekend! 

I got a nice lie-in until 9:30am this morning- one of the perks of staying at my mum's means there are no chores to do! The good house guest that I am, I decided to do my bedding laundry, and had a nice brekkie in front of the TV while it was on :-) The weather was grey and rainy which was a bit of a let down for the weekend. I had a lovely warm bath. R and Little B remained asleep until 12pm, so I had plenty of time to get ready and potter about. I did do a few little things, but I just felt more relaxed than when I'm at my house and I make myself do loads of things I don't want to do.....

I finally released Little B from his crypt at lunchtime, having had 12 hours sleep! Ro got up shortly after, and they had breakfast while I ironed. I needed to go grocery shopping- this time for my house, as I was going back home tomorrow. I whizzed to Sainsbury's, then to my house to unpack. Then back to mum's, for a cup of tea and a hot cross bun for lunch. Little B went for a walk, while I packed up all my stuff. I'm always amazed how much stuff I acquire during a week there, and I never seem to have enough bags to bring it all home!

It was a rather complicated and stressful affair, as I was going out tonight, and staying over, which mean packing for Sunday and the gym as well. I'm a busy girl :-) 

I managed to get myself sorted, and resettled my stuff back at my house, although I was a lot later than planned. A guy I've been 'seeing' was having his birthday event tonight, and I hadn't seen him for almost a month, what with Christmas etc. I finally made it into London, but in my haste to get going, I caught the slowest train possible, and it took 45 minutes to do a 25 minute journey. Apparently there were engineering works :-/

He came to meet me at Clapham. While I can sort myself out from Waterloo, via taxi, walking or tube, I am much less familiar with the overground, so it was kind of him to collect me :-)

He has two sisters that came over from NL to stay for the weekend. When we arrived back at his house, they and some of his friends were there already, and wouldn't let us in until they were ready! When they did, they had cake and candles, and we all sang Happy Birthday to him :-) 

* I'll have to keep you in suspense about where the Swarovski bag came from! That is if you haven't already fallen asleep ready this very long drawn-out entry ;-)! 

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