
By loisbiz

'Bull Elk

I drove out to Jewell, Oregon to the Wildlife Reserve to see the herds of Roosevelt Elk. The first meadow I saw all females and youth; I was surprised that there were no mature bulls elk. Then I drove to the next open meadow and saw a herd with all bulls. The Bull Elk in this photo was one of the bigger ones.  There were 20 males with no sign of conflict or confrontation. The next open area had another herd of female elk. I imagine when mating season arrives there will be some competition  between the males even though there are more than enough females to go around. 

I saw a large number of robins in the area, but few other birds. A Doe Black Tail Deer and her fawn were right beside the road on the way home....very cute. Then the sunset was gorgeous with bright shades of pink purple orange red streaks in the sky. 

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