
By Sproutling

Olympic Torch

Parent 1 note
I hate the olympics, the money wasted on it etc, when I heard it was coming past the next street over, I knew I would be spending the day indoors!
Parent 2 nodding in agreement, decided at 255pm to go asda, returing home 445pm.....the olympic flame running through that direction at 4pm!
In true cornish time, dreckly, it turned up late, so I guessed what he had done!! Hurmph, sneaky b*gger, if he had wanted to see it, just admit it, I wouldn't bash him..too much!

Shaking my head, I slowly disown him, as I go through the pics, thinking well if I must, Ill keep him happy and blip 1,

so here you go, coca cola lorry in front, santa claus running behind, sorry I mean the olympic flame and a random runner...

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