horns of wilmington's cow

By anth

Rubbered Up

Two weeks into the new year of looking for the new career, and I'd assumed I'd have loads of time to do bits and pieces and get out on the bike and go hunting for wildlife and a bit of baking (given I've got an application in for GBBO...) and so on. Erm. No.

There's probably a 50/50 split between getting stuff done around the house, and working on job stuff (with just a couple of new website ideas started, and two brief coffee breaks with friends). And the stuff around the house hasn't even been the various bis of DIY that need to be done, but sorting and tidying. Such was today, something of an extreme example. Mel had mentioned yesterday that the kitchen could be given a deep clean (I'd pushed her for what she wanted me to do after she'd suggested there were things on the list not yet ticked off, and I know better than to determine what I think needs to be done next!). I perhaps took this a bit deeply. Handles came off cupboards, all drawers got emptied, things got moved to the loft or filed in the bin, the kettle got polished, the oven glass got removed and (for about 20 minutes) scrubbed clean, floor mopped, etc etc etc. It's not quite finished, but I am for the day (especially given we've got our ceilidh class tonight so I need a bit of energy reserved for two hours of burlin').

That all said, the weather hasn't exactly been on side (scuppering both the cycling and the wildlife and the outdoor jobs). But Monday I'm tackling some of the smaller things on the list.... And getting out on the bike...

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