Wee moose

Mummy and I have started our preparations for Burns night by making some things associated with his poems. Item number one ... a wee tim'rous beastie!

"It’s me. The eponymous the moose
The To a Mouse that – were I in your hoose,
A bit o dust ablow the bed, thon dodd o’ oose
That, quick, turns tail,
Is – eek! – a livin creature on the loose,
Wad gar you wail.

Aye, I’ve heard you fairly scraich, you seem
Gey phobic ’boot Mice in Real Life yet dream
Aboot Man-Mouse Amity? Ye’ll rhyme a ream!
Yet, wi skirt wrapt roon,
I’ve seen ye staun up oan a chair an scream
Like Daphne Broon."

(Liz Lochhead - from From a mouse)

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