ca. 15.30

About the time I decided I needed a lunch break (cheese croissant, banana and large paper cup of hot milk).  Don't worry, though, I had quite a late breakfast before I left.

Very busy yesterday finishing work for Noordhoff publishers.  Very busy today preparing for tomorrow's practice exams.  Actually very busy since Sunday preparing for this week.  Snatching every moment in-between to de-stress ... like thinking about this year's summer holiday, my excuse being that I need to have an idea so that I can put away enough to pay for it ... which is why I still need my day job in the first place.

And anyway, with the wind blowing stormily and the rain very cold, I just knew there was going to be neither occasion nor inclination for an outdoor shot.

Apologies, but I am just too tired to reply to your comments yesterday.  Will do that in the weekend, I think.

Good night!

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