Frozen Cheeks

The ones on my face of course. 
I had an appointment for a massage near the beach today at my usual place.  The spa is undergoing some changes in management and there was a new masseuse hired.  I was sure to explain to her about my back issues and figured I was in for a relaxing hour of aromatherapy and gentle massaging. 
Well, the only thing I could compare it to is a massage I had while traveling in China that was more like a beating than a massage.  This rather small woman had very strong hands and when she finished massaging my feet I wondered if I would be able to walk out of there!  I thought perhaps there was a hidden camera in the room and the people watching on the other side were waiting to see how much I could take.  Maybe it's good for your circulation to be slapped and kneaded like a ball of dough.  Well at least there was no danger of me falling asleep.  lol 

I will say I was rather invigorated afterwards. 

It was much colder at the beach than it was back at my house and standing on the boardwalk taking some pictures made my face feel like it was going to crack from being so cold.  Lunch afterwards with my sister warmed me up.  I had some split pea soup and a quinoa and black bean burger.  It was delicious. 

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