
By trabroun

PP = Picture Perfect

S and I had a "girls day" today - especially after all the things that have happened in the past few months and weeks - so as a treat we went to Peebles Hydro for a Spa Day.

I took this at the front foor of the hotel overlooking the hills - I then noticed the "wet paint" sign, a little playing around with brightness and contrast and it looked like something off a victorian biscuit tin!

We arrived at 10.00, lounged around, swam, steam-roomed, swam, pampered and fed and away by 15.30 - wrecked!

A lovely day visiting old haunts like "granny and grandpa's old house, granny and grandpa's grave where we placed flowers after tidying up the weeds and then walked to all the places we used to go when they were both alive and are still both sadly missed.

A great day together

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