What a Difference a Day Makes

4.9C dry and sunny. No wind data from Leuchars again but from another website approx 20 mph plus gusts at Dundee Riverside.

Maeve the Deerhound and I went out for our walk after lunch. We went down the road and down to the beach at Westhaven via the road bridge over the railway. It was bright and sunny and the sea was much calmer. No sand was blowing along the beach today. What a difference a day makes.

From the beach at Westhaven we carried on along the sand then on the path which used to be the boardwalk right along to the golf hotel, then we came back along the High Street and up the road home. A good long loop. It was good to be out and in the bright light !

DMC-LX7 f/2.8 1/1600 sec. ISO-80 5mm

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