
I met Thelma the dog today, at 6 months old she is a lovely little hound. Springer Terrier cross. Her new owner is very lucky.

Full on day today, working from home and got a pile of stuff done, reviewed a gadget, edited another one, did some customer stuff and a load of other bits and bobs. I really think I deserve that huge G&T but no.. I will resist. Only two more weeks to go. I've lost nearly half a stone since last Monday so it is certainly working.

In a footnote to the Hugh Grant blip the other day, I got a nice email back from the mum of one of the people I took a picture of. The chap was Tommy he was a bit shy..
So I told him to slide up to Hugh Grant and just ask for a picture. He was a bit shy so I said put your arm round him, give him a manly hug, luckily Hugh got the hint.

Have a great weekend.

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