Jimmy, Finn, Yasmin and I

By Caronie

Fun and games

On Fridays Finn now goes to pre-school and we have been practising getting out of the house early but have not been on time yet, oops! While Finn had fun there I took Yasmin with me for some retail therapy. When we got back she wanted to play with all of Finns toys and today she took a liking to a red car that she posted through the slats in the shutters! After lunch and naps we had a tidy for a play date with Grace, Rose and Ellen. We missed them as they couldn't make it but we had fun doing some potato and hand printing. After tea, over-tiredness set in and while Yasmin had a meltdown Finn ran wildly about the house screaming before putting his pyjamas on back-to-front and inside out! Fingers crossed both stay asleep so we can enjoy a film by the open fire in peace. X

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