
I went along to a conference this morning in Dunblane to talk about the guidance I published last month.  Whilst I was speaking, I realised that several months ago I had got to the point of believing that the project would never be finished, that the guidance would never be published and that even if it were, it would be despised.  It was a wonderful feeling this morning to hear it being welcomed by people in the field, at the chalkface, whose opinion I care about.  I think I may have to treat myself...

The central heating engineer arrived just after I got home and he was a thoroughly lovely chap.  I offered him a cup of tea because the house was so cold.  He quickly figured out the problem and fixed it for free - evidently because I gave him a cup of tea.  Whatever the reason, I'm very grateful.  I can now happily report that The People's Republic of Portobello has returned to being a haven of cosiness.  Hurrah!

This song came up on shuffle on the drive home.  I adore kd and have for over 30 years when I first saw her at a gig in our shared home town, supporting the NDP (a Canadian political party of the left). Don't you just love prairie gals?  What a singer, what a lyricist.  

PS Thumbnails are back!  Woohoo!

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