Amanda's photos

By AmandaProsser

Different strokes...

...for different birds (although that doesn't rhyme).

Blackbirds forage by listening for their prey when it's worms, by looking at the ground with their big sharp eyes, and by thrashing about among leaf litter to unearth squishy invertebrates.

Starlings, on the other hand, specialise in probing the ground with their beaks and then opening their beaks while they're in the ground and feeling around with their tongues.  You can see the one on the right doing just this.

The blackbird seems intrigued with the starlings' technique.  'What are they doing?'

To bird ringers, blackbirds are often known as blabis - it's the short code  used for them in ringing records, but it suits them: they do make a lot of noise in the hand.  Starlings are often known as stinks.  They can also be noisy, but they produce a lot of... er... faecal matter.  And it smells.

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