Lali's World

By Lali

Grainy close

This morning, when I passed this close on my way to work, I saw this man walking up and I wanted to get the picture of the close with his shadow. As I had to be quick, I didn't have time to change the manual settings of my camera, so the picture came out very dark. When I increased the exposure in Lightroom, the image appeared rather grainy, but you know what? I rather liked it! :)

Today it was rather busy compared to the rest of the week. The weather was much nicer as well. It was freezing cold but there was no wind and no rain, which is always good! 

After work, I just decided out of the blue to go and see "Into the Woods". I really enjoyed it. A rather interesting twist on Bothers Grimm fairy tales. I was surprised to see about four people leaving half-way through the film though! People's tastes and expectations are different, I guess....

As for the parcels, I can see a bit of light at the end of the tunnel. According to the Post Office, I should get them on Monday or Tuesday... We'll see!

Off at the weekend and really looking forward to it! 

Thanks very much for all your lovely comments, stars and hearts! I hope you all had a good day and enjoy your weekend! :)

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