
By Gallopinggran

Traveling light!!! ..... !

..... well you have to when you're only going away for two days! I have just booked two breaks for us. Myself and " A " are going to Wallingford for two nights in March , hope it's not snowing? Whatever it will be a nice break really needed by us both! Then we have booked to return to Bournmouth in May, we really enjoyed it last year, my sister in law and her husband are joining us this year so that should be another relaxing break . The weather was fantastic last year , so fingers crossed we shall have the same this year. As I look out of the window, there is the remains of frost and a few flakes of snow ( I know the north has it quite heavy, sorry but we're not used to it down here!!! )but I did hear today that it is predicted to be a good weather year again, hope that means we shall miss the floods??? Looking forward to warm weather for all.

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