Looking for the beauty

By looking4beauty


Yes, it's been raining again. It's getting very boring now so please can we have a couple of sunny days? Thank you.

I haven't done much today. I helped my youngest finish sewing the bag he's making at school. They do most of it in school but have to finish them off at home as there's just too many kids to give individual help to. I also went to play badminton with my youngest this afternoon. Unfortunately, just before we were about to go he fell off his scooter and hurt his back so badminton was a bit of a waste of time!

Tea was supposed to be pork chops but I got them out of the freezer too late and they're still frozen now! That meant one of those teas where you just use up all the leftover bits you have left in the fridge and freezer. In spite of that it was actually ok!

It's all a bit boring today really, sorry!

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