
We had an eventful flight! Tess had one of her occasional "blood pressure drops through the floor" fainting turns halfway through the night and two doctors who were on board very kindly tended to her until her blood pressure had returned to normal. She's fine now and is happy to add this to her list of dramatic places she has fainted.

We were met at the airport by our guide for the week, Athula, who drove us along the deserted toll road into Colombo which was still lined with flags and bunting from the Pope's visit earlier in the week. Once we reached the city the traffic became typically chaotic, reminiscent of India but without the livestock!

With hardly any sleep we were happy to spend the afternoon in and around the rooftop pool of our hotel, from which this blip was taken. The railway separates the main coastal road from the Indian Ocean, with Africa the next land west, unless you bumped into an island or two. The train we saw in the station up the road was packed to the roof, literally, with commuters and locals were taking a stroll down the tracks to get to the beach.

A wonderful Sri Lankan buffet this evening , a drink on the roof top bar and now it's time to catch up on some sleep. Night all!

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