Strike that. Reverse it!


Valley of Death!

My Uncle always referred to this part of the M62 the Valley of Death! I have no idea why or whether it is locally known as that or whether it is indeed this bit, but from his description I thought he meant this part.  I love this part of the M62. On some days it looks stunning, not that this pic really does it justice.  There are so many spots along this part of the M62 that I'd love to stop and take photos. This was courtesy of Mr F and not me, who was driving at the time.

We went to the Trafford centre to do the big birthday shop for Tommy.  Wasn't terribly busy and for once there was no queue at the lego discoverycentre.  Typically we weren't actually going into the discovery bit.

Was quite a good day, with the boys playing the yes/no game all the way home. Trying to catch mummy out, they are getting good at that game.

Hoping to watch a film tonight, so will sign off for now.  Hope you've had a good Saturday xxx

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