
Well an adventful day. First a tough old 18 mile training run in snow across what seemed like four counties. Love running in snow - the cold and wet are very good for split times so 2hrs 20 for the 18 was pleasing.

Then off to the Lane to watch the mighty Spurs put last weeks defeat against a minnow (...) firmly behind them by scoring in the last minute against Sunderland. We're gonna win the league...

But, but there was one moment that topped both of these highlights. At half time at Spurs Chas, from Chas n Dave, gave an interview on the pitch. I love Chas n Dave - not just because they are huge Spurs fans - but because they made quality songs. I've seen them live don't you know.

Quality hits and lyrics such as

Spurs are on the way to Wembley,
Totenham's gonna do it again,
You can't stop them,
The boys from Tottenham,
The boys from White Hart Lane

and... Rabbit. These are the best lyrics for a pop song

Cos, you won't stop talking,
Why don't you give it a rest?
You got more rabbit than sainsburys
Its time you got it off your chest

rabbit, rabbit, rabbit.....(repeat)


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