Looking for the beauty

By looking4beauty

Operation Tidy Bedroom Part 457!

Today K's new chest of drawers arrived so I spent most of the day assembling it and reorganising his room to accommodate it. K has the box room and is incredibly untidy. Small rooms and untidiness just do not mix and his bedroom has caused me a lot of headaches. We've tried many things to try and improve the situation and now we've decided to add another chest of drawers to give him a bit of extra storage space. Let's see just how long a tidy bedroom lasts for. My money's on two days max!

Apart from that, Chris, his dad and the boys went to the Villa v Liverpool match today. Dan is a Villa fan, K a Liverpool fan, M a Chelsea fan and Chris and his dad support Man City so we have a real mix in the house. K was rather pleased with himself when they returned! The difficult thing was though that they were all in the Villa end so he couldn't show how pleased he was when Liverpool scored!

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