Saturday: Great Chieftain Of The Pudding Race

Even in Zagreb we celebrate Burns Night (albeit a week early).  It was an excellent evening - complete with bagpipers and a band who flew out from Scotland.  We were on a table with four Croatians and two Americans and we thoroughly enjoyed the evening.  I think the Americans were relieved when we admitted that even we couldn't understand anything of the 'Ode To The Haggis'.  In fact, haggis generally was causing some consternation among our international guests but they were relieved to find that the idea is worse than the taste.   

Having not been able to attend the dance lessons held beforehand, I had vowed not to go near the dance floor.  But the mood got the better of me and I am pleased to report that I did a very respectable 'Eightsome Reel' and also 'Strip The Willow'.  It seems it does come back to you, even if you haven't danced it in years. 

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