
This is my brother Dave and his wife Nora's little Havanese puppy Dexter. He is totally adorable, especially with his new puppy cut. The only photos I took today were of him, so here he is. As you can see by his little suit, he is a Seattle Seahawks fan along with the rest of the family.

Today is my birthday. Nora invited me to come down to Anacortes and join her at the local spa for a facial and lunch. Helena came over to our house to hang out with Arvin and I took off for the day. Nora and I had a lovely day. Then we came home and spent the evening with Dave. We watched the movie Boyhood. I loved it. The film took place over twelve years and was filmed in that time frame. All of the actors aged throughout the film. What a tour de force. And very well acted too.

Boyhood was really long so I didn't get home until quite late. I drove Helena home to her apartment and had a snack. Now it is late and I am tired. No comments for me tonight. Time to spend a little time with Arvin and then head off to bed.

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