Haere rä Ka hoki mai anö
Toolibelle and I drove out tonight to find a blip. I knew what I wanted, I just hoped that the light was good and my subject wasn't hiding.
Tooli sat in the car, because she was dressed in her studying uniform of baggy joggies, saggy sweat and gold hockey socks over the top... I got out and stood and gazed at this lovely little vision. Mum was quite protective and as I walked towards for a closer photo, she nudged her baby away and the two of them ran to the middle of the field.
The two other residents in the field charged across towards me, noses out looking for food. The problem with their field is that they are positioned right on the edge of the town, and everyone passes them, and every child (and adult like me), goes "aww", and decide to visit and takes apples, carrots, and like a mother and son I saw today, rip the grass out from the other side of the fence and feed them that. They think it's an automatic pass to get food.
As we drove away, we spotted another field with 3 more little foals, and I nearly drove into the field on the other side of the road trying to look at them. I said to Toolibelle, "why are foals so flipping cute".
"It's a biological necessity.... they are made cute, so that people love them and take care of them, because they can't take care of themselves".
Which is obviously why I am cute.
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