Moments in time

By Ali_tkdgirl

The Long Stone

I took a walk up to the Long Stone at Mottistone today, along with my Mum and my dog, it is one of my favourite places to walk. I find it really peaceful there and the views are stunning. Although it was cold, the sun was shining. 

"Legend has it that St Catherine and the Devil had a contest to see who should control the Isle of Wight. The Long Stone’s tall iron sandstone pillar was supposedly thrown by St Catherine from the Down to the east which bears her name.
At over 4m high and 2m wide, this was a mighty feat indeed. The Devil’s smaller stone (a mere 2.9m high and 1.2m wide) fell short and he lost the wager. The final resting place of the stones – St Catherine’s dominating the recumbent smaller stone – is said to symbolise the triumph of good over evil."

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