
By cowgirl

Not in my league!

Well, that seemed to be Mr Peacocks opinion as he stalked off, albeit unhurriedly, away from me as I tried to photograph him.

We'd started tidying up in the garden, putting stuff away in the newly erected shed, as it was such a lovely morning. By lovely, I mean it wasn't snowing, raining or blowing a hoolie! The sun was shining but we were wrapped up in coats and gloves.

I even washed the patio door windows, as the sun was really showing up all the muddy cat paw prints up the glass ( where they paddled their paws about when they want to come in, after a brief visit to the outside world ).

We took a break to go for coffee with Sav's mum and sister, and then had to hurry up finishing off when we got back as the weather turned mean.

The peacock was wandering around Tutbury, where we had coffee. They're a common sight, coming down from the Castle to have a look around and see what their " minions " are up to!

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