Model mummy

This is me - apparently!!!!

Noo made it with a bit of help from his daddy. Daddy is in big trouble!! (The model of Noo Is much more flattering for some reason!) The straws on the front are "boobies" and, you will notice, there are 6! Only yesterday Noo was asking "why mummies only have 2 boobies?" I told him that "you can have too much of a good thing!" and foolishly asked where more boobies would fit.....

"On your tummy, silly mummy!" was his answer! He'd obviously thought about it already, as this model was made over a week ago.....

We've had an "at home' day today. Noo woke me up too early for a Sunday, so I went back to bed for an hour at 11am. GravyC and I popped out for a run in turn, and ZQ had his rugby cancelled. We're all waiting now for our pork Sunday roast...

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