Random Flower Blip
Today we went to see Mrs madwills mother near Darlington. She has just had a cataract removed and is recuperating at home. So we took the makings for a Sunday roast and cooked it there.
The journey up the A1 got 'interesting' at one point - the snow was coming down thick and fast and there wasn't enough traffic to keep the lanes clear so we all finished up in lane 1 whilst lanes 2 and 3 were covered! We did wonder at one point whether we should have taken our overnight bag!
Didn't last for too long and by the time we arrived the roads were clear and just a bit of sleet dropping down.
The weather kept changing all day so I never got the chance to take the dogs out - but they were very good and just lay on the lounge floor pretty well all day!
Blipurtunities were a bit on the scarce side - but I did take some shots of a flower in her front window. Lit only by the light from the window and hand held - so had to up the ISO to 400. Still managed reasonable sharpness at 1/50 (IS was on obviously). Line up the pink flower behind and a white window frame behind that.
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