Life of a bubble maker

By redditchrascal


Bit of a lie in after a late night last night. Got up and did the shopping before going over to take photos of the flat. At present we don’t have the one taken by the current estate agent. We need to try and get them tomorrow so these are just in case.
Also booked up some events for this year. I had already booked a 13.1K run at the end of March but I added some more as well
Penrith sprint triathlon in April
EMF 10 Run and Bardowie 2K open water swim at the end of May
Peebles sprint triathlon at the beginning of June
Kelso sprint triathlon in August
Also have a few other things in the pipeline but need to confirm at few other things first.
Caught up on some back blips and processed the photos from the flat before going for an 8K run. God its cold out there.

Came home and started on roast chicken for dinner. Opened the oven to put the veg in and disaster struck. Our beloved Le Creuset dish had cracked. Managed to transfer the chicken and veg to a few other dishes. Check the website and we need to send it back with proof of purchase as there is a lifetime guarantee on them. Knowing our luck we won’t be able to find the receipt. Hopefully we will be able to take it over to the outlet shop in Livingston and get it exchanged.

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