A bulbous bullfinch :)

I donned on the layers and the double pom pom hat today and spent the day twitching!  Rodley Nature Reserve was aflutter with birdies!  I saw a lady sparrowhawk, cormorants, a kingfisher, snipes, a black swan, robins aplenty and a plethora of our feathered friends.  Along with tomato soup, a cuppa and a bakewell tart - I have to confess to having a very sedate and pleasant Sunday!
The other twitchers on the lurch were all so friendly, one chap with a mega telescope thingy happily shared his finds - which included deer.
I had my camera set on quite a high shutter speed and ISO most of the time as it was rainy and dark and I was hoping to catch some birds in flight.  I failed miserably and all my pics are grainy - my bulbous bullfinch is my best effort.  Oh well - I'll have to go back and practice some more - excellent! :) 

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