
By AlfeeTee

The fourteenth of one hundred days of happiness.

This is the crappest photo I've taken in 260 or so pictures. The reason it's here is because, a) I hardly took any others, and b) it represents my moment of happiness today.

Some (almost all) the boys in Alice's Woodcraft Folk group are pretty badly behaved and disruptive and have caused a lot of problems. Tonight we had a planning meeting with the group to see if between us ( adult leaders and kids) we could work out some 'rules' on behaviour and running the sessions well. The kids came up with suggestions for activities, adult behaviour and their behaviour. Then within seconds contradicted their statements by doing everything they'd just said and written down that they shouldn't do.
After some harsh words from my co-runner they seemed to gradually realise it's their thing they're ruining, not ours. The hour couldn't finish fast enough but just about ended on a positive note.

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